Sign Up Here

Organization/ Group Name
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Which fundraiser are you interested in?
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Organization/Group Address
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Delivery address if different from above
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Organization/Group Email
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Main Contact Person Name
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Main Contact Cell Phone
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Main Contact Email
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Preferred Pick-Up/Delivery Date (Delivery of Gift Cards not available)
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Pickup or delivery? Be sure to verify date(s) prior to starting sales
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Gift Cards pickup date
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Is your group tax exempt? (If yes, please provide completed attached tax exempt form and number)
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Upload your documents...
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Schwartz’s Greenhouse has the perfect way for your non-profit organization to enhance its fundraising goals with our Gift Card Program. This program is available from March 1st to April 30th. The gift cards are a one-time use, so the customer is required to use the whole amount at the time of purchase (as stated on the card)


  • Fill out the fundraiser sign-up form and email, fax, or drop it off at Schwartz’s Greenhouse.
  • Start selling! Begin taking orders for the gift cards and collect the money for the face value of $25.
  • Turn in your order to us with the date you would like to pick up the cards.

For every card you sell, your organization earns $4. (Cost to the organization is $21)

Gift cards are practical, and by shopping at Schwartz’s Greenhouse, you have a large selection of products to choose from. We look forward to working with your organization!