Fundraisers Are Great Ways to Generate Funds for Your Group

Why Poinsettia and Wreath Fundraisers Are Great Ways to Generate Funds for Your Group

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Whether you belong to a garden club or other community group, a poinsettia and wreath fundraiser is a straightforward way to raise money for the holidays. Your event will need some planning ahead, but overall, it will be creative and fun. Your garden club can use the money raised to start a community vegetable garden to grow vegetables for the community and other clubs for other special projects.

Poinsettia and Wreath Popular Holiday Decorations

Poinsettia and wreaths are popular holiday decorations during the holidays. They can be put outdoors in cold temperatures and survive well in winter. They are colorful and decorative and enhance the festive nature of the holiday. Poinsettias are used as decorative plants in the home near the fireplace or Christmas tree, on the porch, or on steps near the entrance. These plants are given as gifts during the holidays to family and friends. Wreaths decorate our front doors, are hung in the home on the wall, or put on the hearth of a fireplace. Poinsettias come in a variety of colors that make them an attractive floral arrangement to sell during the holidays.

Planning Your Poinsettia and Wreath Fundraiser

Your local garden center can supply you with the poinsettia plants and wreaths needed to organize your fundraiser. You should order your poinsettias and wreaths by the end of October to plan a successful sale. Your local garden center may be able to help garden clubs and other organizations grow their own poinsettias and provide wreaths that club members can decorate before their sale or fundraiser. You will have to plan how you want to sell your plants in a church hall, community center, or other space. You can take orders over the phone and have customers pick them up. Of course, you will need to advertise by using some of the following methods: online ads on your website, email, posters, flyers placed in local businesses, or word of mouth.

A Profitable Fundraiser for Gardens Clubs and Other Non-Profits

Garden clubs will find this a great fundraiser because they are focused on raising flowers, vegetables, and plants. According to Mother Earth News, one of the top reasons people garden is to raise fresh vegetables, 25% say it is to eat higher quality food, 22% for fun, and 15% to save money. The money raised from your fundraiser for garden clubs can be used to help members with their vegetable gardens or to establish a community vegetable garden. Other clubs will find poinsettias and wreaths a profitable way to raise money to use their funds for future and community projects.

These are the many reasons poinsettias and wreath sales make good fundraisers for your garden or local club during the holiday season. Schwartz’s Greenhouse, your local garden center, can help you plan one that is right for your organization.