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October 15, 2021How to Be Successful Planting Fall Perennials
The cooler temperatures of September are ideal for a lot of farming and gardening activities. This month gives you the best opportunity to plant perennial flowers. The soil and air temperatures will be ideal for proper root development. Here are some tips to help you plant fall perennials.
Check Your Garden’s Progress at the End of Summer
Taking stock of your garden at the end of summer is not that difficult. The garden’s progress will be easily noticeable. You will want to check with areas that need more ground cover and other important aspects of your garden. This will also help you plan ahead and determine which plants you will need and how many of them you should order.
Apart from that, planning your things ahead will also save you a lot of money. American gardeners spent about $47.8 billion on their gardening and laws in 2018. If you are part of those who spend money on gardening, you want to ensure that your money is being used properly.
When to Start Planting Perennials.
The best time to start planting perennials is early September. You must never wait until it’s too cold to install your transplants. You will need enough time for your plant’s roots to be established. So early September presents the best opportunity to plant your perennials before the ground freezes solid. You can start shopping for your plants as soon as September begins. Ideally, you can even order your plans sometime in August, so you will have a good delivery window.
Before you start planting, ensure that the roots of your plants are completely soaked in water. Fortunately, you might not need to do a lot of watering since the temperatures will start falling. You will also have shorter days. Therefore, you can opt to water your plants once per week until the soil is frozen.
You do not need to mulch your fall transplants immediately. You will need the sun to warm them up a bit for the best growth. As the cold weather starts setting in, that’s when you can start mulching your plants. Ideally, you must start applying mulch when the temperatures are now maintaining a constant of about 32 degrees or lower. This is around the time that the soil will also start freezing.
Planting fall perennials is not that difficult. You just have to get the timing right and know about the basics. For more advice on how to plant perennial flowers and to get transplants for your perennial flowers, get in touch with our garden center today.