3 Factors to Consider When You Plant Flowers
February 21, 2023
5 Reasons You Should Choose Annual Flowers
February 23, 2023Gardening is, overall, a calming activity. Having even a couple of container plants on your porch can help you feel better; in fact, gardening made 53% of people feel more productive, according to Health Beautiful. According to both the Royal College of Physicians and the University of Exeter, gardening and plants are known to add to a sense of well-being and productivity. Gardening can also be a practical activity if you plant something edible. Here are some benefits of gardening to help you decide if you start planting vegetables.
Control Over Your Food Supply
If you grow your own food, you control more of your food supply. It’s that simple. You know what fertilizers and pesticides are being used on the vegetables you eat. You can supplement what you buy, too; that tiny green bean plant you parked on the patio can produce enough green beans to eliminate the need to buy them at the store. Now, one plant will produce vegetables for a limited window of time. When you grow your own vegetables, though, you can plant more than one of a certain type and stagger the planting dates. That will give you ripening vegetables for several weeks, potentially dropping your produce bill to a nominal amount.
More Fresh Air and Physical Activity
When you’re planting vegetables and maintaining a garden, you get outside and get more physical activity throughout the year. Preparing beds and containers, planting seeds and seedlings, irrigation, and harvesting all get you moving. Trips to the nursery or garden center for seeds give you an interesting day out, and you can spend a relaxing few hours poring over the different vegetable types available. It’s a nice way to spend time.
Potential Increase in Home Value
If you were to sell your home, you’d likely harvest any remaining vegetables instead of leaving them for the new owners. But having a prepared garden that just needs maintenance until the next season for planting vegetables can be a selling point for a number of buyers. It shows that the garden has been kept up, indicating that there may not be as much work necessary for the new owners if they want to continue planting vegetables.
If you’ve never grown your own vegetables before, start small and get easy plants like green beans and cherry tomatoes. As the year goes on, start looking at crops for different seasonal harvests. You’ll be pleased with the result. Contact Schwartz Greenhouse for all of your vegetable and landscaping needs!