What are best practices for cleaning up your garden before winter?

What are best practices for cleaning up your garden before winter?

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Winter is on the way, and that means you need to prepare your garden and other green spaces before the cold weather sets in. By taking the right steps now you can save yourself from a lot of hassles throughout the winter and into the spring. Let’s look at how you should prep your garden plants for the chilly months ahead.

Why Is it Important to Prep?

According to The Penny Hoarder, an average garden plot provides an estimated 300 pounds of fresh produce that would normally be worth $600 in a grocery store. That’s a great way to provide for yourself and save money! If you want your garden to remain productive in spring, however, you need to provide proper care.

Lay Your Annuals Rest

Your annual garden plants will germinate, grow, and then die within a single season or year. If you have annuals that have already bloomed and are heading towards the final stage, it’s smart to dig them out and compost them before the cold weather sets in.

Prune Trees and Hedges

It’s prudent to prune your trees and hedges ahead of winter. The cold months can be harsh on plants. Proper pruning will improve the likelihood of the plants surviving the cold months ahead. One challenge with pruning is that it can create a big mess, but you’re going to be doing a lot of cleaning anyway. This makes the fall a perfect time to trim.

Store Tools and Decorations

You might have some summer decorations scattered around the garden, and perhaps some tools as well. Just as winter can be harsh on plants, it can wear down your tools and decorations. It’s best to store them so that they’re fresh and ready come spring.

Rake Leaves and Other Organic Debris

There will quite likely be a lot of leaves in your garden by the end of autumn. There may also be debris from trimming, and you might have removed plants to dispose of. It’s best to collect all this organic debris before the colder weather sets in. Trying to clean up in the frigid winter can be a pain, and melting snow and cold rain can make your current messes worse.

Compost Your Organic Waste

The leaves and other debris you collect need not be thrown out. You can compost much of the organic matter and then later use it as fertilizer. It’s smart to set up your compost now, ahead of the spring, to ensure you have a steady supply of fertilizer in the months and years ahead.

Need more advice for getting your garden plants ready for the winter? Get in touch with Schwartz Greenhouse! We’d be happy to provide assistance.