Why Fall Mums Are the Best Products to Keep Your Yard Looking Fresh for Fall - Schwartz Greenhouse

Why Fall Mums Are the Best Products to Keep Your Yard Looking Fresh for Fall

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Mums and pumpkins are two great signatures of fall. Their colors and scents create a harmonious blend of warmth and fun activities for the family. If you are thinking about giving your yard a facelift, the following are some reasons why fall mums are the best products to consider.

They Pair Well With Other Fall Staples

With different plants and shrubs becoming noticeable in fall, there are many ways to incorporate mums into your landscaping. Whether you want to use them as a highlight to an area with evergreen grasses or add them as an accent to a dull spot, there are plenty of mum varieties that will weather the cold while looking bright and inviting.

Fall Mums Are Easy to Grow Successfully

As mentioned before, mums and pumpkins make a great pair. They are also both easy to grow, even for people who don’t have a green thumb with other plants. They need a little care and planning, like planting them before the cold sets in to give them time to root. Deadheading them will also make sure they look good throughout the season, with no dry and withered blooms to spoil their gorgeous colors.

They Are Affordable

When compared with other perennial flowers and shrubs, fall mums are not too expensive to buy. You can get them specifically for blooming in the fall without the guilt of overspending on something that will not last for more than a season. They are also bound to be easy to source, seeing that fall is their traditional season so many flower shops will have them in stock.

They Come in Many Colors

Probably the best reason to get fall mums is their availability in many colors. Whether your theme is calm, cool, or bright, you can get it in mums. Different varieties also have dight variations in petal shape and size, making them even easier to work within different settings. If you choose to pair mums and pumpkins, for instance, going for yellow, creamy white, orange, or even bronze mums will give you a great color combination.

With up to 50% of people surveyed saying that gardening helps them feel calm, it is a good idea to give it a go. You could start out with mums to see how you fare, and it just might turn into your favorite hobby!