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March 27, 2024
5 Hardy Flowers to Plant in Southern Michigan this Spring
April 22, 2024Our opening day at Schwartz’s Greenhouse in Romulus, Michigan is coming soon! We can’t wait to show you what our lovely “Perennial Jenny” and the rest of the team at Schwartz’s Greenhouse have been working on.
We’ll be featuring all sorts of annuals and perennials at our Downriver Region, Michigan greenhouse, but today’s post is all about our perennials. All of the following perennials will be in stock. You simply have to choose which perennials are right for your garden. Here’s a perennial plant guide to help you.
What is a perennial?
A perennial is a plant that lives for more than one growing season. The following are just a few of the perennials that we’ll have at Schwartz’s Greenhouse this season.
Coral Bells
Coral Bells are low maintenance plants that can thrive in areas with full sun, partial shade, and full shade. There are many varieties of Coral Bells. But, in general, they bloom in late spring and summer.
Although Coral Bells are not known for their flowers, they can have flowers that are colored similarly to the plant’s foliage. Their flowers are beneficial for Michigan pollinators, and these plants attract hummingbirds specifically. Once the flowers are spent, cut off the stems so that the plant can divert its energy to the root system and foliage.
The mature spread (how big in diameter the plant will get once it’s fully grown) is 24” to 28”.
Bonus! Deer don’t like them.

A maroon and yellow daylily, which is a beautiful, low maintenance flower for southern Michigan gardens.
Daylilies thrive in full sun or partial shade, and these are considered so low maintenance that they’re “no brainer” plants. They take care of themselves and they’re even drought tolerant.
Southern Michigan pollinators love daylilies partly because daylilies are fragrant flowers. Also, the daylily’s trumpet-shaped flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies in the Downriver Region, Michigan.
Daylilies range from 10” to 36” tall. Also, they bloom at various times during the year with some varieties blooming from spring to fall and others blooming only during spring, summer, or fall. Remove any spent flowers (known as deadheading) so that the energy is redirected to the plant’s roots, which will encourage more flowers to grow.
Bonus! Deer and rabbits don’t like them.
Hostas are perfect plants for shade gardens because they don’t need sun. They can do well in the sun, but they don’t need it.
Most people love hostas for their impressive foliage and variety. You can get solid-colored hostas to create uniformity in your garden, or you can plant hostas with variegated leaves. Variegated leaves are usually some combination of light green, dark green, white, yellow, and blue. Also, what’s fun about hostas is that you can alter their colors with how much sun you give them.
In addition to their various leaf patterns and sizes, hostas also have white, pink, or purple flowers. These flowers are beneficial for pollinators in Michigan. Hummingbirds and bees particularly like hosta flowers.
Hostas come in numerous sizes, they range from 6” to 48” tall, and their mature spread ranges from 10” to 60”.
The only downside to hostas is that deer and rabbits love to eat hosta leaves. But, if you like deer and rabbits in your yard and want to feel like Snow White among her animal friends, then hostas are definitely for you.

Tall pink, purple, and white lupines in a field in southern Michigan.
Lupine grows best in full sun or partial shade. It blooms in May and has pink, purple, yellow, red, or white flowers. Lupines are great for Michigan pollinators. Butterflies and hummingbirds absolutely love lupines.
One of the neatest things about lupines is that they grow taller and taller every year with the heights varying from 12” to 18”. Although some varieties can get a little taller.
Bonus! Deer and rabbits don’t like them and lupines make for beautiful cut flowers.
Rozanne Geranium
The cold hardy Rozanne geranium (otherwise known as Cranesbills) thrives in full sun or partial shade, and it is one of the most beautiful of all geraniums. Rozanne geraniums come in violet-blue with small white centers and purple-violet veins. It is a prolific bloomer and has an extremely long blooming period, flowering from late spring to the first frost. For Romulus, Michigan, the first frost date is October 22.
Rozanne geraniums are low maintenance as well as heat tolerant and drought tolerant once they are established. They grow to be about 12” to 24” tall and 24” to 36” wide.
Bonus! Deer and rabbits don’t like them.
Visit us at Schwartz’s Greenhouse!
When you come to Schwartz’s Greenhouse in Romulus, Michigan, be sure to look for “Perennial Jenny” who runs our perennial department. She can answer any questions you may have, and she can help you choose the right perennials for your garden.
We’re Michigan proud, we grow our plants locally in Michigan, and we want to make everyone else green with envy over your Michigan garden.
Our opening day is mid-April. Follow us on social media and sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know when we open for the season.