Meet Schwartz's Greenhouse Employees! - Schwartz Greenhouse
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Employees of Schwartz’s Greenhouse Share What It’s Like to Work in One of Michigan’s Oldest Greenhouses

To the outside world, Detroit doesn’t seem like the place where paradise of green would be. Yet, in the Downriver area lies a garden center that is one of the oldest greenhouses in Michigan–Schwartz’s Greenhouse.

Schwartz’s Greenhouse started in 1939 and has been run by four generations of the same family. This Detroit greenhouse mixes tried and true ways of nurturing award-winning plants with cutting-edge techniques and technology. Schwartz’s Greenhouse is a full service garden center, and it operates year around to ensure that their customers receive the best and healthiest plants.

We want to show you the people behind Schwartz’s signature green shirts, because it’s the people that make Schwartz’s Greenhouse unique, family-friendly, and just plain fun.

Chris Schwartz, Owner

Chris is from Romulus, Michigan. He has a marketing degree and once vowed to never work in his family’s greenhouse. However, once he saw how gray, lifeless, and soul-sucking (okay, maybe we’re being a bit dramatic here . . . maybe) the outside world could be, he came back to his happy place–his family’s garden center and greenhouses.

Aside from doing whatever owners must do, Chris helps grow the plants in this Detroit garden center. In fact, one of his favorite things about the business is growing plants.

He’s been working at the garden center for longer than he will tell anyone. Really, try to guess his age. We bet that you can’t! That’s what happens when you wear sunscreen, folks.

Superpower: Fixing sinks

Kryptonite: Small corner offices

Josh Schwartz, Mr. Everything / Owner

Josh has worked at Schwartz’s Greenhouse for most of his life. Even when he was a wee lad, he was gardening. We guess that you can say that he was born with the gardening gene, and his heart is with gardening in every way.

In addition to his owner duties, Josh fixes everything that needs fixing and is a jack of all trades.

Superpower: Fixing everything

Kryptonite: Something that can’t be fixed

Melissa Novak, Retail Quarterback

Melissa manages all retail happenings at Schwartz’s Greenhouse. She’s been with this southern Michigan garden center for 22 years, and she started when she was 14 years old. She loves the family and friendly atmosphere at Schwartz’s and, as she says, many of Schwartz’s employees have grown up together in the business. Fun fact about Melissa: her mother worked at Schwartz’s before Melissa did.

Superpower: Organizing and managing the spider web of details required by retail sales

Kryptonite: Spiders

Greg Hinzmann Jr., Master of Soil Science

Greg is the doctor of dirt at Schwartz’s. Whatever soil you need, he can get it for you. Whatever problem your soil has, he can identify it. Whatever plants you want, he knows the best soil for them. In addition to solving everyone’s dirt woes, Greg operates construction projects and helps manage the store.

Greg has worked at Schwartz’s for 20 years since he was 14 years old (Schwartz’s is good at recognizing young talent!), and he loves the family atmosphere and the staff’s camaraderie at Schwartz’s Greenhouse.

Superpower: Identifying dirt ailments

Kryptonite: Hydroponic growing techniques

Nicki Taylor, Watering Goddess

Nicki has worked at Schwartz’s for 6 years. She has a passion for gardening and she’s the best waterer of all of the greenhouses of southern Michigan. Her impressive watering techniques ensure that Schwartz’s plants grow up healthy and uniformly.

Superpower: Knowing when a plant needs water even before the plant itself knows it needs water

Kryptonite: Trail mix (it’s not uniform)

“Perennial Jenny,” Supervisor of the Perennial Department

Otherwise known as “the really short one in the back,” Jenny has worked at Schwartz’s for 21 years. Like viola flowers, Jenny may be small, but she is mighty, and she is passionate about perennials. Customers rave about her rosy personality, and it’s no wonder considering that interacting with customers is one of Jenny’s favorite parts of her job.

Superpower: Giving excellent customer service

Kryptonite: A late spring frost

Jose Zamora, Planting Honcho

Jose has been with Schwartz’s Greenhouse for 30 years since he was 18 years old, and he loves the atmosphere of working in a greenhouse. He’s in charge of preparing the plants for spring and summer. He also protects the little plants and seedlings during southern Michigan’s rough winters and shields them from all pest invaders. Slugs, hornworms, and fungus gnats fear him.

Superpower: Protecting baby plants

Kryptonite: Nothing. He’s that good.

Visit Schwartz’s Greenhouse

If you’re looking for greenhouses in Detroit or garden centers in Downriver, Michigan with a friendly and knowledgeable staff, then come and see us at Schwartz’s Greenhouse. Our staff loves what they do and are passionate about helping customers with their gardening wants and needs. Whether you’re looking for a large selection of plants, flowers, trees, shrubs, or vegetables or gardening supplies, we can help.  Let us show you our staff’s superpowers in action.